How to Reset the Brain During the Holiday Season
The holidays are a mixed bag for most families. There’s the hype of get togethers, special events and gifts. Then, there’s the stress of the same things. As emotions go, when there is intensity, it goes both ways: up and down. Happy and sad. Excited and angry. There is also the end of the year approaching and a time for reflection. What went well? What didn’t? What can I do better next year? What can I let go of?
During this time of mental flux, it’s important to know how to reset the brain. As I have talked about over the years, blood is always moving from our top and bottom brain throughout the day. The top brain is rational and stable. The bottom brain is irrational and primal. When the bottom brain gets triggered (and ultimately it will over the holidays) it’s important to know what to do.
The bottom brain gives a biological response, not psychological, so we must address it with the body, not the mind. The way to reset the brain is to change the five senses: sight, sound, touch, taste and smell. Sight is the most powerful sense so if you find yourself getting triggered, move away from the trigger visually. Then, listen to a favorite song, have a cup of tea or smell an essential oil. This will wake your brain up and send blood to the top of the brain. This works for kids, too! If you find your child flooded, walk outside with them and let nature change their senses. If you need to stay inside, there’s nothing better than a warm bath to change the senses.
As a former educator, I know the struggles children face when they need to reset during the school day. I have a tool Brain Reset, that you can download for free to help a child reset their brain at school. There is also a reset pouch you can make at home and send it to school, a sleepover, camp, or any other time your child is away from you. This process is simple, but hard to remember in the midst of a stressful event. One thing I have found useful over the years, is to write RESET on a notecard and hang it in a high traffic place so I will see it often. It reminds me to control what I can, my reaction to things.
As we move into Thanksgiving week, I am so grateful for all of you and the work you do with kids in schools, the community and with your own kids at home. Your efforts to provide emotional support while also empowering kids will pave the way to the future. To show my gratitude, I am offering 50% off of all feeling cards - code FEELS50. Peace to you this holiday season.
With gratitude,