Award-Winning Author, Speaker, and Counselor


is a leading expert in the field of mental health

With a career spanning 25 years, Allison is globally recognized as an award-winning author, dynamic speaker and esteemed counselor and coach. She has authored numerous books, trained tens of thousands of educators and parents, and served as a teacher, school counselor, psychotherapist and Vanderbilt University professor.

Click any of her books below to find out more or purchase

Allison is a Licensed Professional Counselor, Registered Play Therapist and founder of ALL THE FEELS COMPANY, her product company providing effective tools to help kids manage emotions. She graduated from Vanderbilt University where she studied anxiety reduction and emotion regulation in children. Allison simplifies mental health and brain research by teaching practical strategies to empower children and those who care for them.

Experience Transformative Speaking Engagements

With strategically developed topics, Allison empowers educators, counselors and parents with the tools they need to help kids. Her sessions blend brain science with practical strategies that can be implemented immediately. Each engagement with Allison is a pivotal step to cultivating a culture of empowerment within homes and schools.

Online Classroom

Allison’s online courses teach parents, counselors and educators how to help kids manage big feelings, reduce anxiety and build resilience. Allison’s courses are practical, action-oriented and provide a variety of tools you can implement immediately.

Work with Allison


Single or multiple 1:1 counseling and coaching sessions for parents, kids, teens and young adults


Programs that equip educators, counselors and parents with powerful tools

On-Demand Learning

Self-paced courses that allow you to move through information at your own leisure

Book Club

Allison will join your school or parent book group virtually to answer questions, share insights and teach best practices



25 years experience

30,000 counseling hours

2500 clients served